Kirby is an action-platformer video game series developed by HAL Laboratory and published by Nintendo. The series centers around the adventures of the titular young, pink alien hero named Kirby as he fights to save his home on the distant planet of Pop Star from a variety of threats. The majority of the games in the series are side-scrolling platformers with puzzle solving and beat 'em up elements. Kirby has the ability to inhale enemies and objects into his mouth, spitting them out as a projectile or eating them. If he eats certain things he can gain the powers or properties of that object manifesting as a new weapon or power-up called a Copy Ability. The series is intended to be easy to pick up and play even for people unfamiliar with action games, while at the same time offering additional challenge and depth for more experienced players to come back to.
- Colors Available - Black, Yellow, White, Orange, Pink, Red, Green, Blue, Royal Blue & Ash Grey
- 100% Cotton
- Unisex Size - 2XS to 3XL
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- Front - Kirby Logo
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